Photo Credit: Szabolcs Takacs /
4. Dust
Keeping a clean home is crucial when you’re living with asthma, since dust build-up can bring on an attack. Dusty surfaces point to dust mites, very tiny bugs that feed on skin particles and excrete an allergy-causing substance that can irritate the nose and throat, and inflame your airways. They live in every home, and while you probably can’t get rid of each and every mite in the house, you can eliminate a lot of the risk to your lungs simply by keeping your bed and bedroom clean and fresh. Change bedding frequently, swap out your down pillow for a hypoallergenic foam pillow, and get rid of dust-collecting clutter from your sleeping space.
There are different subtypes of asthma based on the cause, and allergy-induced asthma is one of the most common forms of asthma.