Preventing Asthma Attacks
If you have a diagnosis of asthma, know that you have a great deal of control over the frequency and severity of your disease symptoms, including asthma attacks. Here are some tips for managing your symptoms and reducing the likelihood of an asthma attack occurring.
Consult with your health care provider for individualized information. Seek emergency assistance if you are experiencing serious difficulty breathing that does not respond promptly to home medication therapy.
Many new medications and treatments are available that help prevent asthma attacks. Ask your health care provider if any of the newer treatments may benefit you. The more that you know about your illness, and how to prevent flare-ups, the fewer asthma attacks and other symptoms you will likely have.
1. Develop an Attack Plan
Work with your health care provider to develop a written plan for treating asthma attacks. An effective treatment plan will clearly list steps to take at the first sign of an asthma attack to stop its progression. It will also help you to know when to take emergency medications and call for medical assistance. Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an asthma attack and its severity.
While there are some medications that help asthma, there are also medications to avoid with asthma. Find out about medications that trigger asthma symptoms.